Sunday, 10 May 2015

Palliser Regional Schools, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

Two days visiting an amazing group of schools.

On Thursday and Friday, May 7 and 8, I had a fantastic time learning all about the Palliser School District.  The Associate Superintendent, Mr Ken Garinger, gave up two full days to talk with me and take me to a total of 7 schools and I met with 8 Principals and Vice Principals to learn from them about their appraisal systems.  In truth, I learned a great deal more, and absolutely loved my time.

The visits included going to three Hutterite Schools, on their rural colonies - and it was snowing as we traveled around - a late winter blast.  Each had a class of around 20 children ranging from Kindergarten to 9th grade (the children finish school on their 15th birthday!) and each class sang to me in their native "low German" language.  The last of these schools also provided me with a tour of parts of the "colony" led by the oldest boy and girl.  I went through their dairy farm - 125 cows indoors all year round!!  This included the bulls and some heifers, etc.  I did feel sorry for the animals, although they were very well cared for and everything was very very clean.  I could not take any photographs at all on these colonies.  All the children wore the same black clothing and no technology and very little of colour was in the rooms (although I did see a photocopy machine in one).  They were very well mannered and very well behaved.

Here are some photos from my time in the Palliser Schools:

Here I am with two principals and a vice principal.  The man is a first time principal.  I couldn't visit his school (it was Friday and the children at his school only have classes on Mondays to Thursdays).  However, his senior class did a google recording of the children singing "Te Aroha" for me as a welcome, and he did a mihi for me to welcome me there.  Talk about special!!  I have the video!

This new vice principal had just completed her first appraisal (they call it an evaluation) and after talking about it, she showed me around her school.  They have two new "mobile classrooms" to help with roll growth.  However, it includes having complete indoors access from the main school into the rooms to ensure all weather conditions are covered and help with security.

This photo shows Mrs McLeay together with Tim and Jan Cooper (the Chauffeur and the Chef), all being hosted to lunch at a restaurant with the Board of the Palliser Regional Schools.  It was May 7th and Mrs McLeay and I had our wedding anniversary.  They heard about this and had the restaurant bring out a special dessert for us to enjoy! The man on the left is Mr Garinger, the Associate Superintendent.

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