Sunday, 10 May 2015

Star Trek!

Have you watched any Star Trek movies or the old TV shows?  

One of the towns in the Palliser Schools Region is called Vulcan.  Mr Spock, from the original "Star Trek" TV series was from the planet "Vulcan" so the town has become one of the "Star Trek" tourist places to visit.

I got a couple of photos which some of you may enjoy.  If you are not a "Trekky" fan, just skip this and look for the next posting.

Look closely at the photo below and you will see that Mr Spock has grown a beard!

This model of the star ship Enterprise has a large solar panel beside it which stores energy and at night all the lights come on.  We didn't have time to stay for the evening  to see this happen.

1 comment:

  1. cool as! Ava Rm 12 Riverview school.
