Monday, 1 June 2015

A Cold and Wet day in Glasgow

Hi Everyone.

We are currently staying two nights in a small hotel in the southern part of Glasgow in a suburb called Giffnock.  It is close to a train station which runs regularly right into the central rail station in the heart of the city.  This morning I headed in to the city centre and had an excellent 90 minute meeting with two senior managers from "Education Scotland," the equivalent of our Ministry of Education.  I returned to the hotel to join Margie and this afternoon we headed back into the city to look around and visit some shops.

Heading home late this afternoon the rain started pouring down and it was very cold.  We got soaked returning to the hotel.  There seems little point in trying to get out again tonight, so we will rest up and prepare for our journey south.  Over the next three days we will drive down to England and plan to be in Oxford by Thursday afternoon.

This photo is the top of Buchanan Street, the main shopping street in Glasgow.  It is closed off to traffic and a very delightful place to stroll and look in shops.

This clock tower is one of many that we saw in the city.  Another observation was seeing large numbers of young people smoking in the streets or using e-cigarettes.  It seems our anti-smoking campaigns in New Zealand have had some very positive effects, even if there is a long way to go.

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