Friday, 5 June 2015

To Oxford

Yesterday we drove through about 80 miles of English countryside to the city of Oxford.  This was very picturesque, and along the way we found a place called "Broadway Tower," which is the tallest tower for many miles around.  We`stopped and visited this building which is over 200 years old and from the top one can see all the way to Wales.  It is very unusual in that it has three stairwells, and each level has only one room.

During World War Two a Lancaster bomber, with 5 crew on board, was out on a training flight and it was very foggy and the plane crashed only a few hundred metres from the tower.

We drove on into the city of Oxford.  We had some hassles finding where to deliver our rental car as the company had changed locations, but all the information we had was from the old address.  No one could help us until finally some fellows in a car wash place gave some help.

We`are staying here in a B&B, which means a "Bed and Breakfast" place.  It is like a small hotel, and the price is a bit cheaper than a hotel and includes a nice cooked breakfast. There are 13 rooms in this B&B!

After lunch we headed off to have a walk around.  During our stroll we saw some Television trucks on the street ahead, and a film crew working away.  As we got closer I took a photo of the main actor, sitting outside a cafe across the street.  Can you guess who he is?  (Hint: look back at my last blogg entry). He is the man in the suit sitting down. What a neat surprise for us!

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